Reactions From All Sides, Finally Going to Lu County

Legend had it that in ancient times, a Heavenly God descended and divided the world into 36 states.

Yongzhou was the center of the 36 states.

Unfortunately, the current Great Jin only occupied 11 states.

Therefore, not only was Yongzhou not the central region, but it had even become a northwestern border.

However, no one would ignore Yongzhou. There was the tallest mountain in the world here. Legend had it that it was the mountain that rose from the ground when the Heavenly God descended.

As the head of the Dao Sects in the world, the Daoyi Palace was located on Mount Donghua.

There was no clamor from the mortal world here, only fog and clouds, buildings, pavilions, and Daoists meditating and practicing martial arts.

On the Golden Peak of Mount Donghua.