The Blade Rises and Heads Fall

When Hui Shi walked out of the county magistrate's office, he saw the huge mass of people kneeling before the gate.

When everyone saw someone coming out, they immediately became excited and wanted to surround him to ask.

But they saw that Hui Shi was wearing armor and was obviously a military official. They shrank their heads and did not dare to get up again. They continued to kneel.

On one hand, military officials were indeed not to be trifled with.

On the other hand, it was also because this matter involved the livelihood of the entire county. Military officials usually had no way of making a decision.

There was no point in asking him.

Right now, Hui Shi was working with Deputy Chen Tong and gradually completing the handover of power. After the handover was completed, Chen Tong would be in charge of the garrison of this county.