Attempting to Oppress With Power

Although Wang Jinsheng was unwilling, since his uncle had already said so, he could only wait here.

Thus, the singing started again, and the dancers started moving again.

Then, the music continued!

Before long, the sound of horses neighing could be heard outside.

Immediately after, there was the sound of a carriage opening and closing.

Someone was coming!

Wang Qingquan and Sun Liansheng stood up and walked towards the door with smiles on their faces.

Wang Jinsheng also followed, feeling a little excited.

He had already asked his uncle about this lord's identity.

He was Jiang Wanshan, the Head of Secretariat of the Imperial Court, and the external affairs manager of the Jiang family in Nanhe.

In the Great Jin, the Head of Secretariat was the highest-ranking official in the Central Secretariat. He was in charge of drafting imperial edicts and issuing them.