Blowing A Strand of Hair To Form A Flying Rope, Beheaded But Not Dying

Cui Heng walked in front while Xu Feng'an and Liu Li Tao followed on both sides.

"Lord, it's Wang Qingquan." Xu Feng'an recognized the person at a glance and reminded him in a low voice, "He's from the fourth branch of the Wang family in Langya. He's not weak."

"Alright." Cui Heng nodded slightly and looked at Wang Qingquan with a smile. "What brings you to my residence?"

His gaze was very kind, as if he was looking at a wild treasure chest monster.

Inner World!

This was the second Inner World cultivator he had encountered since he transmigrated.

Every single Inner World expert could provide him with a lot of emotional feedback.

At this moment, Wang Qingquan was continuously providing growth to the black light that symbolizes evil.

In just a short while, it had already increased by an inch.

This was a huge experience-treasure-chest!