Purple Qi from the East, 9,999 Meters (2)

At this moment, the praise for Cui Heng rose like a tsunami, reaching the Nine Heavens. It was as if it had fused with the Purple Qi from the East, as if even the Heavens were praising him.

Cui Heng, who was still in the Captain's office, immediately sensed the changes outside.

He could clearly sense countless red and white lights coming from all directions, instantly making the two lights around his Golden Core rise much higher.

The red light that symbolizes joy increased by an inch and a half, and the white light that symbolizes love increased by two inches and a half!

This meant that the red and white lights of the Seven Emotions and Seven Lights had broken through a foot in height, immediately making Cui Heng feel as if he had crossed a new threshold.

However, he could only confirm what changes this had brought him after he carefully comprehended it.