There Are So Many Paths in the World, Why Did You Take This One? (2)

"Damn it, as expected of the period at the end of the 100 year period. Some people can't sit still anymore? This is no longer something I can handle. I have to look for Father!"

However, he did not move immediately.

Instead, he first investigated the surroundings of the residence carefully before pouring out all the water in the room. Finally, he pretended to go to bed.

Before dawn, when the sky was at its darkest.

Wang Qinghe suddenly stood up and strode out of the door. With a leap, he left the courtyard and rushed out of Langya County City at an extremely fast speed.

Cui Heng was following three feet behind him, but he did not sense anything at all.

… .

Wang Qinghe was obviously the kind of person who cared about his family.

Cui Heng had seen through this when he was in the meeting hall. What else could a person who could abandon his son for the sake of the family's interests not do?