There Must Not Be A Second Hongwu

After deciding to go to Lu County City to save Wang Jinsheng, Wang Qinghe seemed to have become a different person.

The thick sense of caution that had been on him disappeared.

It was as if he had been agitated by something. His entire body became sharp, as if he was about to charge into battle.

Moreover, he showed great confidence in this operation.

He no longer looked like he was worried that there was a trap in Lu County.

It was as if his heart had been baptized and changed greatly.

However, advancing bravely was one thing, but Wang Qinghe was not reckless.

On the way, he did a lot of analysis on his enemy, Cui Heng.

From what he knew, what kind of person was Cui Heng?

To describe it in one word, he was "arrogant"!

A mere County Governor of Lu actually dared to imprison Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan. He was simply courting death.

Even the top experts of the martial world would definitely die.