Immortal God's Power, A Stroke That Moves Mountains and Rivers (1)

Xie Beixing was very confident in his attack on Lu County.

500 Tendon Transformation elite soldiers, 500 Qi Condensation elite soldiers, 1,500 elite soldiers who had been trained well, and nearly 30,000 soldiers recruited by various merchants, sects, and families. When gathered, they were enough to sweep through the world.

Leading such a force to attack a small Lu County city should have been very easy. It should not be difficult.

After all, the difficulty in attacking a city was nothing more than the fact that the thick city walls were indestructible. However, as long as two top-notch Inner World experts worked together, there was a chance of directly jumping over the 50 to 60 feet tall city wall and charging in, opening the city gate in an extremely short period of time.

Even if they encountered top Inner World experts guarding the city, they could cooperate and retreat safely before waiting for an opportunity to enter the city again.