This Is All a Conspiracy of the Daoyi Palace

"Hahaha! It's good that Governor Ren has agreed!" Wei Xiong laughed heartily and took the initiative to raise his wine glass. "Come, let this old man toast you."

"Alright!" Ren Yuankui nodded heavily and raised his wine glass as well. "In the future, I'll have to trouble you to take care of me. Please also help me to say a few good words in front of Governor Shen."

"Of course. There's no problem." Wei Xiong drank the wine in one gulp and smiled comfortably.

After all, as the State Overseer of the Prime Minister's state, it was almost equivalent to him obtaining the taxes of Fengzhou. It was obvious how many resources could be allocated at will.

This was a huge gift!

"Then I'll have to trouble you not to raise it anymore." Ren Yuankui toasted Wei Xiong again and pretended to be bitter. "I'm really so poor this time."