Orders from the Upper World's Sect Masters

The realm of the Upper World Angels was usually at the Deity Realm.

However, they were basically the best among the Deity Realm experts. They had all unlocked more than six Divine Treasures on their bodies at least. Compared to the Great Jin, where most Deity Realm experts had only opened two or three Divine Treasures, they were much stronger.

Not to mention, these angels essentially represented the will of the main sects in the Upper World. In a sense, they had the right to kill these branches in the Lower World.

Even the family heads, elders, and Deity Realm experts of the lower realm did not dare to be disrespectful to the Upper Realm Angels.

Even if the Angels only sighed softly, it was enough for the Deity Realm experts of the Lower World to carefully figure out if they had done something wrong. Did they make the Upper World Angels unhappy?

When Wang Huaiyi saw Cui Heng "pretending to be an Angel", he was like this as well.