Following Heaven's Will

After Wu Yin left the inner hall of the State Overseer's Office, he was in a daze.

He was a little confused.

Why was the Overseer so anxious? Why did he have to implement the decree now and make it known to the world? He even said that he wanted to capture all the Immortals and Buddhas of the Upper World and settle the score together?

How was this possible?

Those were Immortals and Buddhas!

Although Wu Yin had heard many rumors about Cui Heng, such as summoning the wind and rain, sinking the land and turning it into a lake, and other great divine powers that were like Immortals, in his understanding, the Immortals and Buddhas of the Upper World should also have such divine powers.

Even if the Overseer really had the power of an Immortal God, how could he deal with those Upper World Immortals and Buddhas who also had unbelievable power?

Or did the Overseer actually have other plans?

Wu Yin could not understand.