Similar Temperament

Not many people from the Immortal Dawn Sect came to visit Cui Heng this time.

There were only nine of them.

He Qingrou and Chen Ying were naturally there.

In addition, there was the Sect Master, Perfected Zhu Qing, the Deputy Sect Master, Liu Yiyun, the two Sword Masters, Autumn Cloud and Setting Sun, Perfected Zhu Qing's two grand-disciples, and the personal disciple of Ancestral Master Perfected Hengxia, Zheng Nanxun.

Initially, Perfected Zhu Qing planned to lead all the disciples to visit Cui Heng. She felt that this was the only way to express the Immortal Dawn Sect's respect for the Ancestral Master's master.

However, this plan was dissuaded by Zheng Nanxun.

If all the disciples of the sect left the sect, what if external enemies took advantage of the situation?