State Overseers of the World, Please Kill Them Together

Cui Heng's eyes flickered.

The thoughts contained in the five Immortal swords appeared in his mind one after another.

However, perhaps because Jiang Qiqi's soul was not strong enough at that time, the information left behind by these thoughts was already a little blurry.

[Big Brother Immortal… Be careful… Heavenly Void World…]

This was a message left behind by the Purple Cloud Sword. Cui Heng had already read it before.

[Big Brother Immortal… If the Immortal Dawn Sect is still around… Please protect it…]

This was the information contained in the Red Sun Sword.

It was also the Immortal sword in Perfected Zhu Qing's hand. It could basically be considered as the exclusive sword of the Immortal Dawn Sect's Sect Master.

It was suitable to leave this message in this sword.

"… Buddhism is poisonous…"

This was the information contained in the White Rainbow Sword. It was very blurry.