Flying Sword from a Thousand Miles Away (2)

"Master, I know what to do," Monk Dufa said solemnly. "When I reach the Arhat realm, I'll immediately head to Fengzhou Prefecture City to kill Cui Heng!"

"Good!" A smile finally appeared on Xuankong's face. He pressed his palms together and said, "Amitabha!"

… .

The autumn wind was bleak, and the trees in the Baolin Buddhist Hall were withered.

After Monk Dufa bade farewell to Xuankong, he returned to the meditation room where he had been in seclusion for a hundred years.

He sat on the meditation cushion again.

He took out the Bodhisattva Jade Bone and held it carefully with both hands. The excitement in his heart could no longer be concealed.

"Finally, I can finally break through! I'm about to completely shed my mortal body and become an Arhat Golden Body! Hahaha!"

Dufa trembled with excitement.

He had entered seclusion for a hundred years to regain his youth and live a second life. Wasn't it all for this day?