Yellow-scarved Strongman's Fist (2)

But now, a Deva had suddenly appeared?!

There was actually a Deva in the Lower World!

This didn't make sense!

He could not accept it!

However, the Yellow-scarved Strongman's actions were not up to him.

After throwing the Golden Rainbow Carriage down from the sky, the 16.5-meter-tall dark golden giant looked at White Tiger Child again.

Before he even attacked, White Tiger Child felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"No, no, no! I can't die. How can I die in such a place?!"

He shook his head desperately and retreated step by step. At the same time, the True Essence in his body circulated almost crazily. Soon, it reached a peak. In the end, he could only shout with all his might, "White Tiger!!"

Before he could finish his sentence—


A loud bang suddenly sounded in the world. The air within a 1,000-foot radius was stirred up, creating a hurricane out of thin air.