A Plate of Loose Sand

When Wang Dongyang saw the fire dragon flying towards him, he subconsciously wanted to dodge.

Although this fire dragon was not huge, the aura emitted from it was extremely terrifying, far exceeding the limits of what he could withstand.

This made Wang Dongyang feel that as long as he came into contact with this fire dragon, he would immediately be reduced to ashes.

However, it was too late to refuse now.

As soon as Cui Heng finished speaking, the fire dragon flew onto Wang Dongyang's body and landed on his shoulder, but it did not burn anything.

Nor did it burn Wang Dongyang to ashes.

The little fire dragon even twisted its body on Wang Dongyang's shoulder. It raised a front claw and scratched the fiery red scales on its body before opening its mouth to yawn.

It was like a real living being.