I Will Die With the Great Jin

Cui Heng asked everyone to leave, leaving him alone in the inner hall of the State Overseer's Office.

A moment later.

Wei Yi arrived with an extremely uneasy heart.

At this moment, he finally saw the Fengzhou State Overseer who had stirred up trouble for half a year.

His heart was filled with doubts and confusion, and countless words he wanted to say turned into a long sigh at this moment. Then, he bowed down respectfully.

"Emperor of Jin, Wei Yi, greets Exalted Immortal."

Unlike the compromise he had made when he knelt down to White Tiger Child during the sacrificial ceremony, he was truly respectful now.

"You actually took the initiative to see me." Cui Heng looked at the Emperor of the Great Jin with interest and chuckled. "In the past, you issued many edicts against me."

He was also interested in the Emperor of the Great Jin.