This Is the Nascent Soul Realm

"There's something on the moon," Cui Heng muttered with a frown.

After reaching the Nascent Soul realm, his life essence had increased again. His perception of the nomological Dao runes was extremely powerful. In the past, he could not sense the abnormality because he was too far away. Now, he could easily sense it.

The nomological laws around the moon showed clear signs of distortion.

However, the degree of distortion was not big. It was only roughly equivalent to the late-stage Golden Core realm and was quite a distance away from the peak of the Golden Core realm.

Cui Heng couldn't help but think to himself, "From the looks of it, there are really too many unknowns and dangers in the vast universe. Since there's a power equivalent to the late-stage Golden Core realm, it's very likely that there's a higher level of power."