On the Moon, Mystic Palace Maroon Book

At the same time as Cui Heng left.

All the commoners in Changfeng Prefecture City felt a wave of heat surging in the sky. However, when they looked up, they only saw a fiery red dragon shadow flash past.

Many people thought that they were hallucinating and soon forgot about it.

However, the people in the State Overseer's Office were different. They truly felt this scorching power.

A Fire Dragon more than 30 feet long appeared in the inner courtyard of the State Overseer's Office.

Under the extremely shocked gazes of Liu Litao, Chen Tong, Zheng Nanxun, and the others,

This Fire Dragon actually spoke.

"I am Huo San, guarding the mortal world under the orders of the Immortal Venerable. If you encounter any danger, you can wake me up."

With that, it transformed into a fiery red coiling dragon pillar and stood in the State Overseer's Office.

Everyone present felt their minds buzz.