Qi and Blood Filling the Sky, Boundless Essence (2)

That was what they both agreed.

After all, in their hearts, Cui Heng had always been a supreme Immortal Venerable, an omnipotent existence.

How could such a great existence stay in this small Heavenly Void World forever?

It was impossible.

However, Pei Qingshu subconsciously felt that Cui Heng had just arrived in the Heavenly Void World and would definitely stay for a long time in the future, so he was relatively relaxed.

Li Mingqiong was different. The experience of suddenly losing her brother when she was young had left a certain trauma in her heart. She had been prepared from the beginning that Cui Heng might suddenly leave the Heavenly Void World at any time.

Therefore, after condensing the Soul Golden Core, she did not relax at all. She still cultivated without relaxing, hoping that she could follow behind Cui Heng when he left.