Taihong Star's Situation

"How long did he take to escape from Tianzhu Star to the Heaven Unity Palace?" Cui Heng asked.

"This… Father didn't say anything specific." Heavenly Saint Supreme Venerate thought for a moment and said uncertainly, "It might be a month or two or three months. In short, it's not long."

To a Golden Immortal who usually lived for a thousand years, a few months was indeed not a long time.

However, Cui Heng did not think so.

A Nascent Soul cultivator could track a spiritual imprint, even if it was across the endless starry sky.

Although he could not completely lock onto the target in an instant, he could still sense a general direction. As long as he searched in this direction, he would be able to find the target sooner or later.

Even if the direction of this target had only existed for a few months, it was enough to determine a general direction to pursue.