Heavenly Fire Star God, Boundless Power

"This, this…"

Sun Guangzhao's eyes widened as he looked at the incomparably huge figure in horror. He felt that he was dreaming. "What is this? What is this?!"

An indescribable fear had completely filled his heart.

He did not believe Cui Heng's words at all.

Star God?

When he was in the Five Views Realm, he had also seen Star Gods who had grown to the level of Sages. However, compared to this mighty existence in front of him, they were as weak as infants.

What kind of monster was this!

At this moment, Sun Guangzhao only wanted to escape from this place as quickly as possible and as far away as possible. He definitely did not want to face such a terrifying existence.


What a joke. He had never heard of ants besieging ancient ferocious beasts!

However, when he was about to escape, he realized that his soul and will were suppressed by an invisible force, as if the weight of a star was pressing down on him.