Preparations Before Departure, New Spells!

"Master, is the Purple Sun Realm really so powerful?" Li Mingqiong could not help but ask.

Pei Qingshu and Li Wei also looked at Cui Heng, wanting to seek an answer to this question.

Cui Heng's guess just now was too terrifying, and he had described the Purple Sun Realm as too powerful. It was unbelievable.

"It's just some guesses." Cui Heng shook his head gently and smiled. "I've never been to the Purple Sun Realm, nor have I seen any books about it. Naturally, it's impossible to know the exact situation.

"However, it's not wrong to be cautious. Now that the Purple Sun Realm has yet to reveal themselves, the outside world has very little understanding of them. We should still be careful lest we suffer a huge loss because of carelessness."

"Yes, Master," Li Mingqiong and Pei Qingshu replied in unison. They felt much more at ease, but they still maintained their vigilance towards the Purple Sun Realm.