Don't Worry About Them

"Five Views Realm? I remember that this realm is considered medium-sized. There are less than ten Sages in total."

"So many people broke through to the Sage realm in a few days. Could it be that a Creator descended to the mortal world and enlightened the Limitless Golden Immortals to become Sages?"

"Chen Tang, did you make a mistake? Was it that seven Sages from outside had entered the Five Views Realm?"

The three Sage Kings at the side walked over one after another, not believing what Chen Tang said.

Because it was too ridiculous.

Although the myriad worlds here cultivated using the Immortal True Essence, and it was less difficult than the legitimate cultivation techniques of the Purple Sun Realm, it was definitely not a simple matter to become a Sage.

It was not normal for seven new Sages to appear in just a few days.