Chaotic Five Views Realm, The Arrival of Chen Tang

In the dark and deep starry sky of the universe.

Chen Tang was flying at an extremely fast speed. The abnormality of the Five Views Realm made him very worried. Nothing must happen to Mingzhen. He was the future of the Calamity Star Fortune Pavilion.

Just as he was feeling anxious, he suddenly realized that a flying shuttle was following behind him.

"This is Junior Brother Xu's flying shuttle. Why is he here?" Chen Tang frowned and began to slow down the flying shuttle. He gradually stopped and walked out of the inner cabin.

Xu Jiuchen's flying shuttle also stopped.

"What's going on? Why are you here?" Chen Tang looked at Xu Jiuchen, who had walked out of the flying shuttle, and asked curiously, "Did something happen with the Star Fortune Heavenly Eye Mirror again?"