Immortal Qi, Returning to Chongyang Star

Cui Heng had always been very cautious.

He knew too little about this so-called Heaven Realm. Too much unknown meant great risk. It was not wise to rashly explore it.

If there was a supreme existence comparable to the Return to Void realm or even the Dao Integration realm inside, he would probably not even know how he died if he barged in without rhyme or reason.

Hence, he shook his head gently in the end and walked down the golden platform.

Then, Cui Heng stayed on Tianmen Star for a period of time and mainly checked the two Immortal Sects.

The Immortal Cleansing Sect and the Dust Purging Palace.

According to the ancient records provided by Tianlu Star, these two Immortal sects also claimed to have supreme inheritances, but the specific martial techniques were not passed down.