No Guide, No Companion

Actually, after Pei Qingshu put his plans into motion, Cui Heng's Nascent Soul had not changed much.

However, with the establishment of the Wu Dynasty, the establishment of the local administrative divisions, the education of the people, and the promulgation of political decrees and martial arts, he finally began to receive feedback.

At this moment, the Nascent Soul floating in the Purple Mansion Golden Hall finally underwent some changes.

Wisps of purple qi appeared around the Nascent Soul.

Cui Heng could see the various lights and shadows of Chongyang Star in the purple qi. They contained the power of civilization change, as well as the thoughts and fates of all living beings.

This purple qi wrapped around the Nascent Soul, but it did not interact with the Nascent Soul, nor did it affect it.

"What's going on?" Cui Heng was a little puzzled.