Great Zhou's Crisis, Meeting Empress Ming Qiong Again

Actually, to ordinary people, it did not matter who the Emperor was.

As long as they could live and work in peace and have a certain amount of room for improvement, it was enough.

It would not be a problem to not change an Emperor for hundreds of years.

This was the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Under the rule of the Empress, the Great Zhou Dynasty became stronger every year. Whether it was the standard of living of the people or the level of martial cultivation, they were all rising steadily.

Now that it was the 371st year of the Supreme Phoenix Era, the Great Zhou was still developing rapidly.

The entire country was like a wave flowing into the sea, constantly advancing as if it would never stop.

Compared to 200 years ago, the current Great Zhou Dynasty had already improved too much.

First was the vastness of their territory.