
An Imperial Court formed by gods?

As soon as Cui Heng said this, not only was Hong Yong surprised, but even Li Mingqiong was very surprised.

The Imperial Court was essentially an organization that ruled over the people.

Whether it was setting up various power directions or expanding the scope of power, it was actually to better rule.

Although the current Great Xia had a divine system, it was only an appendage of the Imperial Court. It was used to make up for the lack of supervision due to inconvenient governance. It was not an independent ruling organization.

If it was transformed into the form of an Imperial Court and the structure and authority was bolstered, it would definitely be able to become an independent existence and not be a vassal of the Great Xia Imperial Court like now.

However, the Imperial Court of the mortal world ruled over the people.

If the gods formed an Imperial Court, who would they rule?