
This sudden voice made Ren Ping wonder if he was hallucinating from being too sad.

Did he want his parents and wife to come back to life?

Ren Ping muttered these words in his heart and turned to look at the corpses lying beside him. Everything from his past life appeared before his eyes.

"I do, of course I do!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Before he could finish his sentence, Ren Ping heard another voice. "You can recite the name of the god, 'Yellow-scarved Country Guardian God'. Pray for what you wish for and it will immediately come true."

"Silent chanting of a god's name?" Ren Ping was stunned when he heard that, and his eyes instinctively revealed suspicion.

Such a thing…

He had done it too many times before.

However, no matter how he called out to the Holy Mother of White Lotus, there was no response, nor would it help him at all.