Understanding a Thought

Cui Heng was obviously saying that they were hiding something.

The monk and Daoist priest immediately became nervous and hurriedly explained.

"Immortal Venerable, you've misunderstood. We definitely didn't mean to hide anything," Monk Yuan Ku said with a bitter expression. "It's really because we don't know why the other side attacked our starfield with all their might."

"Immortal Venerable, it's like this. We've indeed never understood the Outer World in depth," Daoist Fang He added. "It's only when we mobilize the power of the Heavenly Dao to resist the foreign experts that we can barely sense the situation of the other party."

"The only thing we can be sure of is that those foreign experts seem to be extremely eager to attack our Star Field. Every time they attack, it's as if they're risking their lives. They will use all their methods and even burn their life source."