What Is the Perfect Infiltration?

"I want to look at the exchange list first and see what's here."

Fang Yuluo quickly made a decision, but she did not take action immediately. Instead, she asked, "Big Brother Zheng, Big Sister Xu, and Little Brother Song, what do you think?"

"I also think that we should look at the exchange list first so that we know how many merit points we need for what we want. This way, we can have a plan for what to do next." Zheng Younian nodded.

"I agree with Sister Fang's thoughts." Xu Jing smiled.

"Exchange list…" Song Qi hesitated for a moment and looked at Cui Heng beside him. "Big Brother Cui, do you have any suggestions?"

"Take a look at the exchange list first." Cui Heng nodded and said with a smile, "What the big light ball said is actually a little vague. Only after you look at the exchange list can you truly feel the vastness of this Samsara world."