
The Outer World!

This was the first thought that flashed across Cui Heng's mind.

At this moment, his divine incarnation had already followed Shi Qingyu and Yu Lei into the foreign realm. This allowed him to have a clearer understanding of the nomological Dao runes of the Outer World.

The situation there was indeed different from here. It was less righteous and more strange.

The source should be the difference in the characteristics of the Heaven Gate.

When Cui Heng discovered this, he even had a guess.

That was, the Dao runes and laws of a Star Field actually flowed out of the Heaven Gate, and were closely related to the power characteristics of the Heaven Gate.

Different characteristics could create different Star Field laws.

Of course, he had to investigate further.

He already had a preliminary plan. He planned to let Hui Shi pass through the Heaven Gate and observe the situation.