It's Just a Battle Between Ants, Don't Worry About Him

"The Grand Primordium Strange Dao is the greatest and the widest. Divine Vast Sect, Heavenly Immortal. Great Mercy, Great Sage's Great Wish. Immortal Golden Watchtower, Divine Lord Yu Tian!"

"The Grand Primordium Strange Dao is the greatest and the widest. Divine Vast Sect, Heavenly Immortal. Great Mercy, Great Sage's Great Wish. Immortal Golden Watchtower, Divine Lord Yu Tian!"

Zen Master Shantong and Yue Canghai continuously chanted the scripture of Divine Lord Yu Tian, as if they were sincerely praying to this powerful existence and praying for his power to descend.

At the same time, Ye Zhuo and the others also began to sing.

Their eyes were slightly closed, and their entire bodies emitted a scarlet light. They actually condensed into pillars of light that connected with the phantom of the Imperial Sky Divine Palace.