All Very Cautious, Quite A Harvest

These three Heaven Gate Venerates were only at the Second Heaven Gate realm. Facing a spell of the level of the Five Elements Primordial Chaos Yin Yang Reversal Technique, they naturally had no room to resist.

In an instant, they were lost in the endless chaos. They felt like small boats floating in the sea, unable to find their way at all.

"What's going on? What is this?!"

"Didn't we head to the Outer World under the protection of the Divine Lord? We did successfully cross over just now. Why did we suddenly…"

"Not good! We're trapped. An ambush, we've been ambushed! Why is there an ambush?!"

The three Heaven Gate Venerables were shocked. They did not expect to encounter such a situation.

In their opinion, with the protection of Divine Lord Yu Tian, they could hide from the heavenly secrets for a short period of time. This way, they could unleash their full strength.

In other words, the complete strength of the Second Heaven Gate realm.