Nine Heavens and Sixth Heaven Gate

While Cui Heng was communicating with the Heaven Gate, Hui Shi was still attacking the Heaven Gate.

As Hui Shi's cultivation was essentially converted from Cui Heng's Dharmic powers, his strength growth was actually very high.

Breaking through the Heaven Gate was actually equivalent to releasing the power in Hui Shi's body.

Therefore, he could keep charging forward.

After crossing the First Heavenly Ladder and stepping into the Fourth Heaven Gate, Hui Shi was still unstoppable. It did not take him much effort to successfully step into the Fifth Heaven Gate realm.

Then, it was the Sixth Heaven Gate!

At this moment, Hui Shi, who was bathed in the golden light of the Heaven Gate, had already rushed out of Taihong Star and stood in the void of the universe.

At this moment, his entire body emitted endless light, like a star with endless light floating in the starry sky.