Inviting a Heavenly God to Our Tribe as a Guest

Pei Qingshu's words immediately stunned Wu Cheng and Liang You. They looked at this "god" who had descended from the sky in shock.

He actually said that these three huge beasts were raised by his family…

Of course, it was impossible for the two of them to believe such nonsense. The Ferocious Origin Rhinoceros and the Green-Feathered Thunderclaw Sparrow were both extremely irritable wilderness beasts. It was impossible for them to be domestic pets.

However, the person who came was an existence suspected to be a god. Even the people from their two tribes combined were no match for a god.

When encountering such a situation, they could only admit that they were unlucky.

"No, these three huge beasts are so powerful. We don't have the ability to kill them at all." Wu Cheng was the first to speak and shook his head repeatedly in denial.