Aftershock of Sword Light, Scarlet Calamity

The Immortal Dawn Sword Art was a sword art that Cui Heng had taught Jiang Qiqi.

At that time, Cui Heng was only at the Foundation Establishment realm. His initial Immortal Dawn Sword Art could only be cultivated to the Early-stage Foundation Establishment realm.

Now, Daozhou Star's Immortal Dawn Sect and Zheng Nanxun, who was beside him, cultivated the Immortal Dawn Sword Art that he had modified. Their realms had expanded a lot.

Now that he had sensed the sword intent that had clearly been sublimated from the Immortal Dawn Sword Art in the Heaven Realm, there was only one possibility—

This must be a sword mark left behind by Jiang Qiqi.

She had also optimized the Immortal Dawn Sword Art and deduced this sword art to a level that was slightly weaker than the Ninth Realm of the Immortal World.

Priest Linshan said that the beast skin was left with the sword mark of a Heavenly God.