Unfortunately, I'm Not Human

Enveloped by Hui Shi's power, Jing Xiangzhen easily shattered the protective array of Evergreen Heights.

The extreme fear made him subconsciously cry for help.

His voice sounded in the sky and instantly spread throughout the entire Evergreen Villa, causing the people who were looking at the sky to be dumbfounded.

The new disciples led by Ye Yuan were even more stunned. Their gazes froze, and for a moment, they did not know how to react.

They had just joined this large sect…

What happened?!

"This, this, what's going on?!" Chang Yongxin looked at the sky in extreme shock. He looked at the mountain-protecting array that was collapsing in all directions, and his eyes revealed fear. "Who is it? Who is it?!"

The protective array of Evergreen Heights was left behind by their Ancestral Master.