Since You've Seen Me, Why Didn't You Bow?

In another Star Field adjacent to Cui Heng's.

In a Major Chiliocosm with countless galaxies as subordinates, there was a layer of vast and endless scarlet light that covered the entire world.

In this light, it was as if billions of eyes were constantly opening and closing. They were all staring at the boundless starry sky outside, breathing in the free energy that filled the universe and transforming it into the essence energy of the world.

The source of this layer of scarlet light was a continent suspended 300,000 feet above this strange world.

The Imperial Sky Divine Palace!

On a throne in the depths of the Divine Palace, a ball of scarlet light flickered. From time to time, eyes would appear from it and rotate around, as if they were sizing up something.

This was the master of the Imperial Sky Divine Palace.

Divine Lord Yu Tian.