Trump Card (2)

Otherwise, they would simply be courting death.

"This person is extraordinary. I'll go and meet him now." The countless eyes on Divine Lord Yutian's face narrowed slightly. Then, his body sank towards the capital of the Wood Nation.

On the surface, he looked very relaxed and casual, but in fact, the moment he descended from the clouds, he was already prepared.

The restrictions of the Imperial Sky Divine Palace were already in a state where they could be activated at any time. The Heaven Gate characteristics in his body had also begun to circulate. With just a thought, he could erupt with all his power.

Most importantly, he had even grabbed the strand of hair that Heavenly Venerate Jiang had given him. Once he realized that he was facing an invincible enemy, he would immediately activate the power of this strand of hair.

Just this strand of hair was enough to instantly kill any expert who had yet to cross the Third Heavenly Ladder.