The Paragon of the Plague Sect Who Had Been Executed by the Heavens (2)

One of them was called Tang Quan, and the other was called Xu Shi. They were both deacons of the Eternal Academy and had the strength of the Fourth Heaven Gate realm. They had already crossed the First Heavenly Ladder and were very powerful.

Originally, they wanted to see the expert who had destroyed the Longevity Divine Mountain. They did not expect to encounter a terrifying phenomenon as soon as they entered the Qinghua Domain.

An extremely dense plague enveloped them, directly ignoring the power of the Heaven Gate characteristic in their bodies and attaching the strange illness to their bodies.

The illnesses inflicted on Fourth Heaven Gate realm cultivators were far stronger than the levels of Heavenly Gods and Gods.

Therefore, after being infected with the illness, they directly fell from the sky into this forest. Even walking became extremely difficult, and they even felt that they could die of illness at any time.