Arriving While Encircled in the Light of Stars

The vast shattering power that was like a galaxy surged over, instantly enveloping Cui Heng and the void around him, wanting to seal off all his range of activity.

Under the influence of the power of Shattering, the appearance of matter began to shatter, leaving only the most basic laws and principles, maintaining the "existence" itself.

However, the laws and principles that had lost their physical foundation became incomparably fragile. Under the influence of the Shattering power, they were like fragile glass that would shatter with a touch.

Facing such terrifying power, the expressions of Lian Heng, Qin Tang, and the other Immortal orthodoxies changed drastically, and fear spread.

Such power had completely exceeded their understanding, reaching a level that they could not imagine at all.

Too powerful!

Shattering Realm, this was the Shattering Realm!

Could Exalted Immortal Cui Heng really withstand such power?