Mid-stage Soul Formation Realm, Looking Down at the Star Sea

The moment Cui Heng broke through the shackles of his realm, the Essence Soul in his Niwan Palace opened its eyes again.

Layers of purple-gold divine light bloomed from his Essence Soul, instantly expanding the boundless starry sky that appeared in the Niwan Palace countless times. Moreover, it became more real, as if it was a real starry sky.

At the same time, the boundless starry skies in the acupoints in his body began to expand and condense.

In the blink of an eye, the number of starry skies in each acupoint exceeded the total number of starry skies in all his acupoints at the Peak Early-stage Soul Formation realm. The quality had also increased countless times.

The changes in his Niwan Palace and the acupoints on his body caused Cui Heng's entire body to begin to sublimate to the extreme. His body, Dharmic powers, and Essence Soul began to improve by leaps and bounds.