Heaven Gates Gathering (2)

Cui Heng had a plan for this.

It would definitely be a waste to kill them directly.

Therefore, Cui Heng sent these people into the reincarnation space he had established, making them "Reincarnators" who were completely under his control.

Such a group of experts who stood at the peak of the 12 Heaven Gate realms and had surpassed the Twelfth Heaven Gate realm could be said to be very useful to explore this Star Sea. Their efficiency was extremely high.

And their exploration gains would ultimately be attributed to Cui Heng.

This saved Cui Heng the time to explore the surrounding Star Fields and even the entire Star Sea, allowing him to focus on perfecting his cultivation realm.

The turmoil in the Heaven Realm disappeared.

In many places, many living beings did not even know what had happened.

Most of the people only felt the color of the sky change a few times. After a few loud sounds in the distance, everything returned to calm.