
"What? The whereabouts of the Six Heaven Gates Diagram have been found?!"

"That's great. This treasure has been lost for 10,000 years. We've finally found a clue. We should chase after it immediately!

Speaking of which, Wang Daoyi, who died 200 years ago, seemed to have been sent out to search for the Six Heaven Gates Diagram a long time ago. Now, not long after he died, there's news of the Six Heaven Gates Diagram. Could it be his credit?"

"It's indeed possible. 200 years is just like the flick of a finger. There's no news in the past, but it appeared after Wang Daoyi died. It's most likely related."

"I suggest that after we chase back the Six Heaven Gates Diagram, we can confer Wang Daoyi and give him a title as a form of consolation. This is a great merit."

The elders discussed animatedly, and many people even mentioned Wang Daoyi.

This was naturally not for Wang Daoyi.