True Nature Essence, Primordial Chaos Realm Destruction Palm

The battle at Dacheng Pass was a heavy blow to the entire Liang Kingdom.

Before this, the Liang Kingdom had only been repelled when they attacked Wu Kingdom's Qinshui Pass. However, they were only repelled that time and did not suffer much.

Moreover, the Wu Kingdom was also an overlord-level country and was powerful.

From this point of view, the Liang Kingdom and the Wu Kingdom were actually on the same level. If they were only repelled once, it would not cause much damage to the Liang Kingdom.

However, the battle at Dacheng Pass was different.

Chen Kingdom was just a small country that was struggling at death's door because of its special geographical location. It was extremely weak.

It could not be compared to an overlord-level country at all.

No citizen of the Liang Kingdom would think that their country's army would suffer a setback at Dacheng Pass.

This was impossible.