Reunion After 2,000 Years (2)

Now was not the time.

Taihong was also a little stunned at this moment. He had never seen "Cui Qing" before. Why did this person know him?

As soon as this doubt appeared in his mind, a guess followed.

"You've been to the Heaven Realm?!" Taihong said in shock.

Then, he felt that this was only natural. How could someone who could find this Immortal Land not have been to the Heaven Realm before? It was normal for him to know him.

"Not only have I been to the Heaven Realm, but I've also been to Grand Yan Planet and met Chen Tianshi." Cui Heng smiled and said, "Elder Taihong and that Heavenly Venerate Juntian have planned very well."

"You, who exactly are you?!" Taihong's face turned slightly pale as he said in fear.