Hong Fugui's Encounter, News of Jiang Qiqi

His experiences over the years…

Hong Fugui could not help but sigh when he heard this, but he was also a little confused. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Teacher, over the years, I've been to many places and wanted to put to practice the Great Dao in my heart, but I always encountered huge resistance.

When I was on the Daozhou Star, I believed that as long as I could smash the old world and establish a new era, I could fulfill the Great Dao and fulfill the ideals in my heart. But later on, I realized that I was wrong.

The power of a single person can surpass the masses, and allow the strong to rule the world they are in. Therefore, it's unrealistic to rely on the power of the masses to establish an orderly society.

I have to be powerful enough to fulfill the Great Dao in my heart. Otherwise, all my ideals and plans are useless.