Nine Nether Yin World, Legend from Countless Years Ago (2)

After all, in his opinion, he was only here to gather information and investigate the power of the Nine Nether God Fiend, not to deal with the inhabitants of this place. There was no need to use force.

Of course, if he really confirmed that the power of the Nine Nether God Fiend had infiltrated here, he would still carry out Human Ancestor's orders and destroy this Immortal Land with the Great Destruction Divine Weapon.

This was to protect the peace of the entire Yang Realm.

Just as the Human Ancestor had said.

This was a necessary sacrifice.

When Shen Lou arrived at the entrance of the academy, he cupped his hands and bowed to the two young men guarding the door. He asked, "I'm the Divine General under the Human Ancestral Hall of the Scarlet Cloud Realm. I'm here to investigate a very important matter."

At this moment, Duan Rongqing and Mo Kong were receiving guests at the entrance of the Martial Dao Academy.